Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Genius of Photography- part 5


1.Who said “ The camera gave me the license to strip away what you want people to know about you, to reveal what you can’t help people knowing about you”, and when was it said?

Diane Arbus

2.Do photographers tend to prey on vulnerable people?

yes, because at the time, it was easy/accessible to photograph them

3.Who is Colin Wood?

Colin Wood was photographed by Diane Arbus at the age of 7. holding a small hand grenade (toy) in Central Park in 1962.

4.Why do you think Diane Arbus committed suicide?

from what Nan Goldin says, , her work is genius, it’s the work of somebody who wanted to be anyone but herself, the empathy she translated in her work is distinctly shown in her work she didn’t want to be herself.

5.Why and how did Larry Clark shoot “Tulsa”?

why- because no one else bothered to see or could shoot from where Clark stood… from the inside.
how- he chilled out with his friends whilst photographing… taking drugs, getting laid and drank.

6.Try to explain the concept of “confessional photography”, and what is the “impolite genre”?

Clark was part of the "group of friends he was photographing, he wasn’t seen a a photographer, the concept of confessional photography is being as open as possible, it’s like you’re their, and the camera not.
An “impolite Genre” is something no body wants to know about because it’s too crude/raw.

7.What will Araki not photograph, and why?

he does not shoot anything he doesn’t want to remember.  

8.What is the premise of Postmodernism?

we now live in a culture so saturated of media imagery and media models of how people live,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Genius of Moving Image – part 3

How did Bjork and Chris collaborate on the All is full of love video?

Mutual friends, many people advised Bjork to work with him after seeing the Aphex twins

What other music video directors have gone on to direct feature films? Name two and the feature films they have made.

Stan Winston directed Michael Jackson “ghost” video -  MJ-ghost           b) Jonas Akerlund directed Lady Gaga’s telephone video- LG- telephone

Which famous sci - fi film did Chris Cunningham’s work on before he became a director?

  A.I. Artificial Intelligence

What makes his work different or original compared to other similar directors?

Cunningham has an obsession about the human form, hence his talent for making prosthetics and making film about bodies. collaborating with music artists means his visuals and directions create a simulating piece, as he is able to focus more on the visual side instead of the sound (an mainly because he doesn’t/can’t produce sound)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Genius of Moving Image- 2


1 What is the role of the cinematographer in film making?

The job is shooting the film itself Realising the visual style and feel of the writer’s script and the directors performance.

2 Why did director Roman Polanski insist on using hand held camera in the film Chinatown?

To get an intimate spontaneous performance from his actors (Fey Dunaway and Jack Nicholson)

3 Name two films which use colour in a very symbolic way, and describe what they suggest.

The last emperor :         Red: Royal Blood  and the red of the communist republic

                                    Orange: Family and the colour of the Forbidden City

                                    Yellow: represents the Emperor

Green: is knowledge, representative of the Tutor

Do the Right thing: oversaturation: very Red shifted warmer and warmer into the spectrum

4 In the film Raging Bull why was the fight scene filmed at different speeds?

To Play with the audiences perception of time speed and the dynamics of the fight. Doubling from 24 to 48 fps meant that the still moments between bouts of violence have an added impact.

5 Who is the cinematographer for the film Apocalypse Now, and what is his philosophy?

Vittorio Storaro: that cinematography is a communal art bringing together the Distinct artistic visions of the Director  cast and crew and to express himself personally with light

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Genius of Photography- part 6


1.How many photographs are taken in a year?

80 billion

2.What is Gregory Crewdsons modus operandi?

Crewdsons mode of operation is to create a film set, but instead of filming, he creates one photograph. in order to create a film still, so to speak, he and a team layer the same image, over and over and over again, changing the subjects within, by removing them or changing the lighting, increase or decrease. he never actually takes the image, he just sees the camera as a necessary instrument.

3.Which prints command the highest price & what are they called?

prints that are taken by the actual photographer and closest to the time the picture was actually taken, they are known as vintage. Ansel Adams, 1940 print, 1927 was when the image was taken.

4.What is a Fake photograph?

Give an example and explain how & why it is fake.
example- randolf hienz image was produced more than twice, their are chemicals called OBA that were put into photographic paper in the 1955, and the original print was from before 1940. turns out it was the assistant that reproduced the print for market reasons.

5.Who is Li Zhensheng and what is he famous for?

a red solider and photo-journalist who found himself covering the revolution in the 1960 and 70’s. he had to hide the negatives, if they were found, the would have been destroyed. his images are only allowed to been seen out of China.

6.What is the photographers “holy of holies”?


7.How does Ben Lewis see Jeff Walls photography?

Walls did not reinvent photography, he took photography back to the 19th Cen where everything is created and constructed for a meaning, and he takes in contemporary and theoretic concerns about gender, racial stereotyping

8.Which famous photograph was taken by “Frank Mustard”?

river scene France

Monday, March 12, 2012

Genius of Photography- part 4

Why did Garry Winogrand take photographs?

“to see what the world looked like photographed.”

Why did “citizens evolve from blurs to solid flesh”?

because gradually the technology caught up, cameras still struggled, but it’s unquie to photography, and Klein made it eloquent.

Who was the godfather of street photography in the USA?

Garry Winogrand 

Who was Paul Martin and what did he do?

made snapshot like images at Great Yarmouth and other Seasides in England, creating photographs of social life.

Who said “When I was growing up photographers were either nerds or pornographers”?

Edward Ruscha

Why does William Eggleston photograph in colour?

…colour is more dominant…

What is William Eggleston about?

he photographs mundane objects in an artist or ausethically pleasing way, this book WE guide is considered baffling pleasing… democratic..war with the obvious. he photographs life to date.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Genius of Photography- part 3

1.What is described as “One of the most familiar concepts in photography”?  

2.Should you trust a photograph? (1.38m G3)

3.What was revolutionary about the Leica in 1925?

compact, quite, it gave birth to a whole new style of instant photography.enables you to glide throught the moment. you can also see the world through in eye, and and the world through the camera with the other eye.

4.What did George Bernard Shaw say about all the paintings of Christ?

“i want to change every painting of Christ for one snap shot.” this is the power of photography

5.Why were Tony Vaccaros’ negatives destroyed by the army censors?

the negatives contained images of dead GI’s, decisive moments the world wasn’t yet ready to except.

6.Who was Henryk Ross and what was his job? a photographer?

official photographer of the Nazi ghetto, documented the productions of goods, which sold for money for the caperers ….propaganda photographer, ID card pictures. photo-journalist before the war.  

7.Which show was a “sticking plaster for the wounds of the war”, how many people saw it and what “cliché” did it end on?

8.Why did Joel Meyerowitz photograph ground zero in colour?

“if it had been shot in monochrome would be to keep it as a tragedy, this was not war, but destruction, two similar, but different events.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Genius of Moving Image- part 1


1 List two specific key relationships between Sam
Taylor Wood's photography and film work?
a) coming close to death        b) both mediums portray on how Wood sees the world.

2 How does the use of multi-screen installation in
her work reflect narrative?
example:killing time - combining opera with high fluting emotions, creates a juxtaposition of the music and visuals, giving individual importance.

3 What other photographers use film as an
integral part of their work. List two with

a) Nick knight -Fashion film - Get back, Stay back   b)  Tim Walker highlight 1

4 Research three other Video artists and explain
their working philosophy

Sally Golding – jaaga   Combining performance with Film projection with installation, Golding creates live sculptures and interactions by developing works that involve projecting film onto her actual body. “Golding creates compositions from printed optical sound and vinyl library music resulting in strained sonorousness.”    

5 Show an example of a specific gallery space or a
site specific location where
a video artist or film maker has created work
specifically for that
space and been influenced by it.

Rosa Barba had an exhibition in Tate Modern 15 September 2010  –  8 January 2011. this exhibtion was choregraphed installation, created to divide the viewers focus, from projected images and a projector, raising the question - “which is the narrative and which is the narrator?” by playing with light and sound, the experience is composed to give a range of forms and images.